The Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership gathers information to know how well agencies are working together to keep children safe and understand the experiences of children and young people living throughout Derby and Derbyshire.
The DDSCP uses the information it obtains to:
The DDSCP publishes an overview of the information provided by the work of the subgroups on an annual basis and this includes the main tasks identified for the following year.
The DDSCP Annual Report - 2023 to 2024 sets out the progress made to keep children safe in Derby and Derbyshire
The DDSCP annual report - 2022 to 2023 sets out the progress made to keep children safe in Derby and Derbyshire
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The DDSCP Annual Report 2021 to 2022 sets out the progress made to keep children safe in Derby and Derbyshire
The DDSCP Annual Report 2019 - 2021 sets out the progress being made to keep children safe during the first 18 months following implementation of the new safeguarding arrangements across Derby and Derbyshire
The DDSCP uses analysis of local information alongside national guidance to identify the priority areas for action to be taken to safeguard children across Derby and Derbyshire.
The DDSCP Business Plan Priorities 2023 - 2024 sets out the priority areas for delivery by the subgroups and partner agencies.
The DDSCP has a Governance Document that sets out how it carries out its work, the make up of the Chief Officer Group, Executive Board and subgroups.
DDSCP Governance Arrangements October 2022
DDSCP Governance Arrangements - Terms of Reference for Subgroups October 2022
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides the public with a general right of access to information held by public bodies, such as local government, the police, the NHS and state schools.
Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (DDSCP) is a statutory partnership in its own right set up under the Children Act 2004 and is not a public authority for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act. It is therefore exempt from the duty to provide information under the Freedom of Information Act.
A Freedom of Information Act request may be made directly to partner agencies of the DDSCP.