A local Child Safeguarding Practice Review will be commissioned by the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership in circumstances where a more in depth review is needed to understand how local safeguarding arrangements should be strengthened as a result of initial learning identified in the rapid review. A local child safeguarding practice review will involve the family(if they wish to be involved), agencies who provided services to the family and the report will be published.
When each review is completed a report or summary report is published. This includes an outline of what happened, without identifying the child or their family, what went well and what needs to change to make sure that in future other children and young people can be better protected.
The Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership have published the local Child Safeguarding Practice Review that concerns the death of a child who shall be known as Zac.
A summary of progress made by agencies is published alongside the review. This sets out the actions taken by agencies to implement local improvements that were identified as necessary during the process of completing the review.
The Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership will continue to obtain assurance of the impact of changes arising from all the recommendations set out within this review.
Available reports:
Child Safeguarding Practice Review Concerning Zac (ZDS22)
Summary of Progress concerning Zac (ZDS22)
(Published August 2024)
The Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership have published the local Child Safeguarding Practice Review report that concerns the death of a baby who shall be known as Theo.
A summary of progress made by agencies is published along with the report. This sets out multi-agency action has been taken to implement local improvements that were identified during the process of completing the review. The Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership will continue to obtain assurance of the impact of changes arising from all of the recommendations set out within this review. Available reports:
Child Safeguarding Practice Review concerning Theo (TDS20)
Summary of multi-agency progress in respect of Theo (TDS20)
(Published March 2024)
Learning on one page LCSPR: 'Theo' (July 2024)
The Keeping Babies Safe section of the website includes the 'Three Steps for Baby Safety' strategy and a range of multi-agency resources for parents and professionals.
The Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership have published the local Child Safeguarding Practice Review report anonymised as MDS20/PDS20.
The review has considered the experience of two children from different families and different areas of Derbyshire. They will subsequently be referred to as young people YP1 and YP2 in recognition of their age, however they remain children as defined by the Children Act and the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Procedures.
The purpose of the joint review is to identify the learning from the individual circumstances of these young people and the systemic learning arising from their experiences that appears to have led to similar outcomes. School attendance, mental health and neglect are significant features in both cases.
Multi-agency action has been taken to address all of the recommendations set out within this review and the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership will continue to ensure that assurance is obtained to demonstrate that the learning from this review has been embedded within agency practice and structure. Available reports:
Child Safeguarding Practice Review Concerning Child MDS20 and Child PDS20
Summary of Multi-Agency Action Plan for Child MDS20 and Child PDS20
(Published August 2023)
If you have an enquiry about the local Child Safeguarding Practice Review, please contact the relevant organisation directly.
Child Safeguarding Practice Review Reports are published on the website for a period of one year from the date of publication.
Enquiries concerning historical reports should be emailed to DDSCP