The reasons why children and young people runaway or go missing are varied. Whatever the reason they particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, so it is important that steps are taken to ensure that the child’s well-being is promoted and they are protected from harm.
If you are concerned about a child who is missing you can find more information in the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Procedures and in the Runaway or Missing from Home of Care Protocol (RMFHC). Always discuss your concerns with the senior person in your organisation who is responsible for safeguarding and child protection.
Please also refer to the Derby City Missing Return Interview flowchart or the Derbyshire Missing Operational Workflow in the Childrens Social Care Assessment and Planning section
If you are a young person, parent or carer, you can contact Children's Social Care to discuss your concerns.
Concerns about a missing child who may be in immediate danger should be raised with the Police on 999.
Derbyshire Police help protect vulnerable people, including children, who go missing and will carry out checks to check whether a person is safe. Guidance on Requests for Police Checks on Missing Children and Vulnerable People helps partner agencies understand the role of the police carrying out safe and well checks and when it is appropriate for partner agencies to carry out this role.
Derby City Council Education Welfare Service have published a Children Missing Education policy and flowchart for use by education settings who need to raise concerns about a child missing from their setting.
Information about Derbyshire children missing education policy and guidance is located on Derbyshire Schools Net.