Self-harm is an expression of personal distress, not an illness, and there are many varied reasons for a person to harm him or herself. Self-harm describes a wide range of behaviours that someone does to themselves, usually in a deliberate and private way, and without suicidal intent, resulting in non-fatal injury.
In the majority of cases, self-harm remains a secretive behaviour that can go on for a long time without being discovered. Many children and young people may struggle to express their feelings and will need a supportive response to assist them to explore their feelings and behaviour and the possible outcomes for them.
Self-harm is common, especially among younger people. Approximately 1 in 10 young people report having engaged in self-harm. A wide range of psychiatric problems, such as emerging borderline personality disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and disorders related to drug and alcohol use are associated with self-harm. However many young people will not have a mental disorder.
Studies use different definitions of self-harm and cover different age ranges. This makes it very difficult to understand how many young people are affected. However, it is reasonable to conclude that:
Vulnerabilities increase the likelihood that a young person might self-harm, one or more additional factors, or 'triggers', make this more likely to occur. These may include:
What matters for many young people is having someone to talk to who will take them seriously.
If they have taken any substances or injured themselves.
Having dealt with any immediate medical needs, explore with the young person what is going on in their life that has caused them to feel/behave like this - the feelings, thoughts and behaviours involved. This can help the young person to makes links between feelings and behaviours, begin to make sense of the self-harm and to think about other ways of coping.
There is a reference guide for all agencies and practitioners to help support children and young people who have expressed thoughts about self-harm or who are about to or have self-harmed.
The guidance outlines:
Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) provides comprehensive and targeted treatments to support the emotional and psychological wellbeing of children and young people in Derby city and south Derbyshire.
You can use the online referral form to make a referral for services to help children and young people with behavioural and emotional problems.
For emergency referrals, please contact the CAMHS duty worker on 0300 1239164 to discuss the referral.
Chesterfield Royal Hospital Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) supports young people's mental health and wellbeing in North Derbyshire.
Information about how to refer can be found here. If a situation requires a quick response, please contact the Urgent Care Team on 0790 1330724.
In all cases if life is at imminent risk please contact the emergency services on 999.
If there are immediate medical concerns for the welfare of the child or young person, medical attention must be obtained.
Self-harm may raise additional concerns that action is needed to safeguard the child or young person from significant harm and abuse.
If you are concerned about self-harm you can find more information in the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Procedures about making a referral to Children's Social Care.
Always discuss your concerns with the senior person in your organisation who is responsible for safeguarding and child protection.
If you are a young person, parent or carer, you can contact Children's Social Care to discuss your concerns.
The emotional health and wellbeing signposting website for Derby and Derbyshire contains local and national links and resources updated regularly. You can use the search bar on the website to access specific training as well as resources.
The ‘Count Your Blessings, Not Your Problems’ was produced by young people in Derby to give advice to parents and professionals. The film was designed to help professionals, parents and young people understand the issue of self-harm more fully. Young people should not be directed to watch the film on their own but should be supported by a trusted adult.
MindEd for Families, a free online resource developed as part of the MindEd project to enable parents and families to intervene earlier in their children and young people’s mental health issues.
The Samaritans is a national charity that can help people of all ages with whatever is getting to them. Samaritans are available free to phone at any time on 116 123.
Papyrus is a national charity that helps to prevent young suicide.
Young Minds, the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust and the Royal College of Psychiatrists have created a series of films and digital resource packs on self-harm. These have been created with the help of children and young people, parents and professionals. There are three digital packs (young peoples’, parents and professionals) to go with the films, these include personal stories of young people, parents and professionals, common questions and what to do next, and information on how to find help. The Royal College of Psychiatrists have also published a self harm leaflet.
The partnership has published a whole school framework for emotional wellbeing and mental health: a self-assessment and improvement tool for school leaders and a range of accompanying resources.
This is a free network for schools and allied professionals sharing academic and clinical expertise regarding the wellbeing and mental health issues that affect schools. Provides up to date and accessible information and resources to support children's mental health and well-being.